how to fix ios 8.2 battery drain
Battery drain after ios 8.2 i have a 6 plus on 8.2 and the battery life is horrible with regards to 8.1.2. please for the respect of your own customer fix it. ... battery drain after ios 8.2 recommend others do the same to get apple to push a fix rather than having to come up with ridiculous work arounds turning. Use these 7 tips and fixes for ios 8.1 battery life hot and the battery is draining fast you can use this guide to fix ios 8.1 battery life.

Here's how to fix ios 8.2 battery life drain issue on your redmond pie channels. follow us your headline says “how to fix ios 8.2 battery drain issue on. The best tips to fix ios 8 - ios 8.3 battery life problems not using them as they’re know to drain battery after updating to ios 8 (and also ios 8.2). This ios 8.2 battery fix guide runs through a series of steps that you can take to improve your battery on iphone, which is obviously a drain on your battery..